Lindsey Buchet-Financial Director, Trident Safety Group

  • Lindsey Buchet is the Financial Director of Trident Safety Group and was appointed in 2003.  She is a qualified Dangerous Goods Safety Expert and consults to some of the largest companies on the international stage. As a Category 6 air Instructor, Lindsey has trained many delegates to successfully achieving certification.

    Talk Title: Dangerous Goods skills gap limits your liability”

    Brief synopsis: “Effective Dangerous Goods Management requires deep knowledge of complex regulations and solid experience in this detailed field of expertise. Companies engaged in the transport and receiving of dangerous goods are responsible for those goods and any risk posed by those goods. Identifying and addressing the DG skills gap in your company can be time consuming and requires an experienced eye to create a solution for this area of risk.  Trident Safety recognise the requirements for companies to address the risk with the support of our Multimodal Dangerous Goods Experts and how to limit your exposure.”