Derry O Donnell-Project Manager, Zero Waste Cashel

  • Derry O Donnell is the Project Manager of Zero Waste Cashel, an 18 month pilot project promoting sustainable consumption and waste prevention in Cashel. An advocate of sustainability, Derry has been engaging and collaborating with several community groups, schools and local businesses to achieve the aim of waste reduction.

    Presentation Title

    How Communities Can Journey Towards Zero Waste

    Synopsis of talk

    We live in a consumption driven society in a throwaway world. This talk explores how we can reverse this model and promote sustainable consumption and prevent waste by starting in our own communities. In this presentation Zero Waste Cashel Project Manager, Derry O Donnell looks at what steps are required for a community to head towards zero waste, how to engage with local community organisations to ensure cross community support and how to engage with local businesses to bring them along on the journey.