Mike McGrath – Managing Director, ARVO

  • Mike McGrath is Managing Director of Arvo, a Procurement Consultancy which helps organisations to achieve procurement objectives, business efficiencies and commercial savings. Mike is an European Commission eTEG Expert, where the e-tendering Expert Group (eTEG) are defining a blueprint for public procurement within the EU to ensure wide accessibility including cross-border, SME inclusiveness, wide interoperability, transparency, traceability and accountability. Prior to this, Mike founded supply.ie, which is an eProcurement platform and business which helps companies reduce their costs with smart supplier sourcing. More recently, Mike is the co-founder of the Procurement Transformation Institute (PTI).

    Title: PCP and PPI Opportunities for Ireland

    Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) is an approach within the public procurement of innovation, developed specifically for the procurement of R&D services rather than actual goods and services. Public procurement of innovation occurs when public authorities act as a launch customer for innovative goods or services. Arvo is one of the founding members of the Procurement Transformation Institute (PTI), which is Ireland’s Centre of Excellence to promote Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) and Public procurement of innovation (PPI) in Ireland. The PTI Competency Centre will provide an open space dedicated to the science and art of procurement impact, for current and future professionals in any organisation.